High Voltage Drop-out FuseHigh Voltage Drop-out Fuse is suitable for AC system with nominal voltage 3 kV and above and frequency 50 Hz. It should be installed in a place with ambient temperature from -40°C to +40°C, and altitude not more than 1,000 m. It is installed on the high voltage side of distribution transformer or on the branch and trunk lines of distribution wires for short-circuit and overload protection of transformers and wires, and for splitting and combining load current. Execution standard of product: GB/T 15166.3-2008 High Voltage AC Fuses-Part 3: Expulsion Fuses Main technical parameters
Model description: RW refers to outdoor cascade fuse, PRWG refers to outdoor cascade fuse with arc extinguishing chambers, and the number behind it is the serial number of design. In terms of the fraction after dash, the numerator is rated voltage (kV), and the denominator is rated current (A). Insulator model started with H refers to composite insulator, in which products (H)PRWG1-12/100 and 200 are equipped with arc extinguishing chambers. |